Caring for the Englishman River Estuary
This first phase of the Caring for the Englishman Estuary Project has been completed, and you're welcome to share in what we've learned by downloading our final document . MVIHES would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their support.
Partners in this Project:
Pacific Salmon Foundation, Vancouver Foundation, Georgia Basin Living - Rivers Fund, Environment Canada's EcoAction, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Shell Environmental Fund, Parksville Qualicum Community Foundation, The Nature Trust of BC, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ministry of Environment British Columbia, City of Parksville, Regional District of Nanaimo, Seachange Marine Conservation Society, Qualicum Beach and Parksville Streamkeepers, and Arrowsmith Naturalists
During this phase we conducted an inventory of all plants, birds, fish and wildlife, in the forest, along the river and in the foreshore areas attached to the estuary, and measured water quality and quantity, salinity and toxin levels, and other information to provide us with a picture of the health of our estuary.