"Committed to the recovery of wild Pacific salmon in mid Vancouver
Island watersheds through habitat restoration and community engagement"
"Committed to the restoration of wild Pacific salmon in mid Vancouver
Island watersheds through habitat restoration and community engagement"

2022 Annual General Meeting

On October 1, we held our Annual General Meeting  at the Parksville Community Centre on 223 Mills Street from 10 am to noon. 

During the business section of the meeting we elected officers to the Board for the coming year while saying goodbye to Peter Law who is stepping down from the Board.





Peter Law (left-hand photo) was on the Board for more than a decade and at different times served as Secretary, Vice President, and President. Pete contributed a great deal to the progress and growth of MVIHES.  But there's no escaping us since he continues to volunteer with MVIHES. Thank you Pete for your years of service to the Board! See you on Shelly Creek.





President Barb Riordan gave a presentation on our projects and activities for the year which can be viewed here.

Our Guest Speaker was Nikki Wright, Executive Director of SeaChange Marine Conservation Society, an organization that works to conserve and restore marine nearshore eelgrass habitats in BC in partnership with coastal communities, from Boundary Bay to Haida Gwaii. Nikki gave a fantastic presentation on Eelgrass which can be viewed from the link below.

Re-visiting Eelgrass in Parksville/Qualicum: What Can it Tell Us?”

The video included in Nikki's presentation can be viewed here.

EelgrassEelgrass has been described as a “secret weapon” against Climate Change for its ability to sequester carbon. It provides habitat for young fish and crustaceans, protects our coasts from erosion, and is good for water quality. MVIHES was involved in mapping Eelgrass in the Englishman River Estuary in 2008 and is interested in doing this again to determine if changes have occurred and if restoration of Eelgrass beds is required. We will be relying on Nikki's expertise to get this done. If you are interested in this project and haven't yet signed up, send us a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.