"Committed to the recovery of wild Pacific salmon in mid Vancouver
Island watersheds through habitat restoration and community engagement"
"Committed to the restoration of wild Pacific salmon in mid Vancouver
Island watersheds through habitat restoration and community engagement"

General - News

Martindale Springs

MVIHES, in partnership with GW Solutions and Christopher M. Stephens, Consulting, did some preliminary GPS mapping and observation of the springs that residents alerted us to near the top of Martindale Road and the railway tracks. These residents would like the springs to be acknowledged and protected as their wells may connect to this water.

As Christopher Stephens noted in his report, "It is clear from an assessment of the 40 degree slope where these springs, seeps, wet soil spots and single 3 meter by 3 meter pool at WP 247 are located that this environment is a release site for groundwater which interacts with the surface water based ecosystem present and may be contributing to flows in the Englishman River."

This is a water feature that warrants more attention.


Special Presentation on Recent Water Report for the Englishman River


March 12, 2015


Forum at City Hall, 100 Jensen Ave. E

Four important reports concerning the Englishman River watershed have been issued in the last few months that should be of interest to many in the Parksville area.  These reports were presentes at Forum at City Hall on March 12. 

Craig Sutherland, Water Resources Engineer with KWL, has prepared a Technical Memorandum for ERWS and CH2MHill entitled: Arrowsmith Lake Reservoir Water Supply. The presentation will include an overview of the watershed and Arrowsmith Lake, an outline of the water balance for the Englishman River and the development of operational reservoir Rule Curves to support downstream low summer flows in future years.

Marc Gaboury is a Professional Biologist working for LGL, who has completed a report for ERWS entitled: Fisheries Component of Aquatic Effects Assessment of Proposed Bulk Water Supply Intake in Englishman River.  Marc will speak on his assessment of the effects on fish habitat of moving the proposed ERWS water intake from the existing lower river to a point above Highway 19.  Marc was one of the original authors of the Englishman River Watershed Recovery Plan in 2001 and he knows the watershed very well.

Jan Bednarski of the Pacific Geoscience Centre has produced a study of the surficial geology of the east coast of Vancouver Island for the Goelogical Survey of Canada, NRCan titled: Surficial Geology and Pleistocene stratigraphy from Deep Bay to Nanoose Harbour. This study was undertaken as part of the Nanaimo Lowland Ground Water Assessment Project and describes the results of the field mapping program and resulting surficial geology map.  The paper will be presented by Dr. Gilles Wendling P. Eng.

Gilles Wendling, Ph. D, P.Eng from GW Solutions will also deliver a brief overview of his latest study for MVIHES entitled: Groundwater Flow Through Bedrock Contributing to the Englishman River. He has previously completed studies on the interaction of surface water and groundwater in the Englishman in the lower  reaches. This new report is key to the protection of sensitive areas of this watershed.

Watershed Health & You - an MVIHES project to encourage people to monitor and protect their watershed.